Tube Wrinkling

 When using a mandrel tube bender, the mandrel is held in a fixed position while the tube is pulled over it. The tube stretching process is localized on the outer radius of the bend, and the material is work-hardened to retain its shape and not flatten.

The material stretching is done on the forward tip of the mandrel. This force, acting on the mandrel tip, supports the inner radius of the bend, holding it firmly into the bend die groove.

Sometimes, however, problems can occur when bending. One of the most common problems we run across is tube wrinkling. There are a number of reasons that a tube may be wrinkling when using a mandrel tubing bender.

Top 8 Reasons for Tube Wrinkling

  1. Tube slipping in clamp die
  2. Mandrel is not far enough forward
  3. Wiper die not seated properly in bend die
  4. Wiper die worn or of improper fit
  5. Too much clearance between mandrel and tube
  6. Not enough pressure on the pressure die
  7. Improper or excessive amount of lubrication
  8. If mandrel and wiper die are in proper locations, check inboard pressure on the pressure die. You may need to apply more pressure on the pressure die to hold the tube into the die. Adjust in slowly until you have no wrinkles. Lastly, check mandrel fit.

If you are experiencing tube wrinkling, please let our support team know, and one of our experts will help you sort it out.
