How to assembly Prismatic cells for with smart BMS step by step

How to assembly Prismatic cells for with smart BMS step by step

Assembling a prismatic cell battery pack with a smart BMS requires caution and attention to detail due to the delicate nature of lithium-ion cells. Here's a general breakdown of the process, but it's strongly recommended to consult a professional or refer to the specific instructions for your chosen BMS and cells before attempting this:

Safety Precautions:

  • Lithium-ion cells can be dangerous if mishandled. Work in a clean, dry environment and wear gloves and safety glasses.
  • Have a fire extinguisher rated for lithium-ion batteries nearby.
  • Do not use damaged or deformed cells.


  • Prismatic battery cells (matched capacity and type)
  • Smart BMS compatible with your cell chemistry and voltage
  • Nickel strips or bus bars for connections (ensure appropriate gauge for total current)
  • Soldering iron and solder
  • Heat shrink tubing (various sizes for connections)
  • Multimeter
  • Wire strippers/cutters
  • Kapton tape (optional, for insulation)
  • Enclosure for the battery pack (fire-resistant)


  1. Cell Inspection and Configuration:

    • Inspect all cells for damage or defects.
    • Determine your desired series and parallel configuration based on voltage and capacity needs.
    • Use a multimeter to measure the voltage of each cell and ensure they are within a safe range (usually +/- 0.05V).
  2. Cell Connection (Series and Parallel):

    • Spot weld or solder nickel strips/bus bars to the positive and negative terminals of each cell group (series or parallel) based on your configuration.
    • Double-check connections for polarity and secure them with heat shrink tubing.
  3. Balance Leads:

    • Most smart BMS require connection to cell balance leads for monitoring individual cell voltages.
    • These are typically thin wires spot welded directly to the positive terminal of each cell.
    • Consult your BMS documentation for specific instructions.
  4. BMS Connection:

    • Refer to your smart BMS manual for the designated connection points (usually positive and negative input/output, balance leads, temperature sensor).
    • Carefully solder or crimp connections following the BMS wiring diagram.
    • Double-check polarity and insulate connections with heat shrink tubing.
  5. Insulation and Assembly:

    • Use Kapton tape or other non-conductive material to insulate any exposed terminals or bus bars to prevent accidental shorts.
    • Securely mount the cells and BMS inside the enclosure using straps or brackets to prevent movement during operation.
  6. Testing and Calibration:

    • Before final assembly, use your multimeter to measure the overall voltage of the pack according to your configuration.
    • Consult the BMS manual for any calibration procedures specific to your model.

Additional Resources:

While I cannot provide specific diagrams due to variations in cell types, BMS models, and configurations, here are some resources that can help you with the process:

  • Video tutorial on prismatic cell assembly with a basic BMS YouTube: [ البحث عن كيفية تجميع خلايا بطارية ليثيوم أيون BRAVA ON YouTube]
  • Guide on LiFePO4 Battery Pack Assembly, including BMS connection

Remember, this is for informational purposes only. Always prioritize safety and consult a professional or refer to detailed instructions for your specific components before attempting lithium-ion battery pack assembly.
